Student and Classroom Management
Free form input does teaches full mastery with the implied
hits of multiple choice and fill in the blank.
Allows for different methods of problem solving
Help, Guidance, and feedback each step of the way
Electronic textbook

Interactive Tutorial
MATH-TEACHER interacts with the students in a
step-by-step process for solving problems.
A problem is presented. The student types in the
first step, as they would on paper. MATH-TEACHER
tells them if they are right or wrong or provides
a hint if they are close.
Students can ask for guidance in how to begin a
Step-by-step as they work out the problem,
MATH-TEACHER provides feedback and help.
Any mathematically correct statement of the
problem will work. MATH-TEACHER does not have an
hidden database of problems. Instead, there is an
infinite number of problems that can be presented.
The flexibility of input allows strong students to
solve problems in a few steps while less confident
students can solve the same problem in many steps.
Students are never allowed to solve a whole
problem the wrong way. And they can't solve a
whole set of problems the wrong way.
No more practice solving problems incorrectly and
re-enforcing the wrong way. No more moving on to
the next math concept if the student isn't ready.
Mastering Skills:
An immediate feedback to
each step in the solution process
Guidance and hints
Adaptation to student's
Students at their own
Flexibility in the solution
Other Important Properties:
Unlimited number of solved
Special on-line timed-test
Evaluation report for the
Friendly and easy to work