Equations 1
Subject 1: Solution of a first degree equation, the solution set, equivalent equations.
- Level 1 : Solution of an equation
- Level 2 : Performing permitted operations
- Level 3 : Checking if two equations are equivalent
Subject 2: Solving equations of the first degree.
Solve an equation such as:
- Level 1 : 3 = x - 7
- Level 2 : 3x = 8
- Level 3 : -7x + 5 = x + 1
- Level 4 : 3 + 2(-3x + 1) = -5(x + 2) + 3
- Level 5 : -2(-1.6 + 5.2x) = -0.5x
- Level 6 : -2x - 3x/5 = -5
- Level 7 : -5x - (-3x + 1)/3 = - 5
- Level 8 : (x + 7)/3 - 2x = -5 - (2 - 8x)/6
Subject 3: Solution of a first degree inequality, equivalent inequalities, the solution set.
- Level 1 : Solution of an inequality
- Level 2 : Performing permitted operations
- Level 3 : Checking if two inequalities are equivalent
Subject 4: Solving inequalities of the first degree.
Solve the inequality:
- Level 1 : 3 < x - 7
- Level 2 : 3x > 8
- Level 3 : -7x + 5 < x + 1
- Level 4 : 3 + 2(-3x + 1) > -5(x + 2) + 3
- Level 5 : -2(-1.6 + 5.2x) > -0.5x
- Level 6 : -2x - 3x/5 < -5
- Level 7 : -5x - (-3x + 1)/3 < -5
- Level 8 : (x + 7)/3 - 2x > -5 - (2 - 8x)/6
Subject 5: Special equations and inequalities
Find the solution set of an equation or an
inequality such as:
- Level 1 : 0x = 0 , 0x = 3
- Level 2 : 0x < 3 , 3x > 3
- Level 3 : 2x - 5 = - 3 + 2x
- Level 4 : -5x - 7 < -5x + 11