Probability 2
Subject 1: Counting problems, arrangements,
permutations, combinations.
- Level 1 : Sampling with replacement
- Level 2 : Sampling without replacement
- Level 3 : Permutations
- Level 4 : Combinations
Subject 2: The binomial distribution, Bernoulli's
- Level 1 : Probability of k successes
- Level 2 : Probability of k1
.. kn successes
- Level 3 : Probability using the complement
Subject 3: The normal distribution, standardized
variable, the curve of Gauss, area as a probability,
approximation of a binomial distribution by a normal
- Level 1 : The standard curve.
- Level 2 : The standard variable z.
- Level 3 : Probability in normal distribution.
- Level 4 : Probability in binomial distribution by
approximation to normal distribution.